Dear Parents:

In order to improve the chances of your child having a positive
experience in our office, we are selective in our use of words.
We try to avoid words that scare the child due to previous
experiences. Please support us by NOT USING negative words
that are often used for dental care. These include:

DON'T USE                                   OUR EQUIVALENT

needle or shot                                  sleepy juice
drill                                                   whistle
drill on tooth                                   clean a tooth
pull or yank tooth                           wiggle a tooth out
decay, cavity                                   sugar bug
examination                                    count teeth
tooth cleaning                                 tickle teeth
explorer                                          toothpick
rubber dam                                     raincoat
gas                                                  magic air

This will also help you understand your child's description of
the filling experience. Our intention is not to "fool" the child--
it is to create an experience that is positive. We appreciate your
cooperation in helping us build a good attitude for your child!

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