Problem Patients? No Problem!

   I. Introduction
      A. How we observe and interact with others
      B. Personality versus behavior and where to put our attention

 II. The Four Lines of patients' behaviors
      A. The keys to planning our communication
      B. Variations in behaviors are OK-- just understand them!
      C. The Lines
 1. Decision making
 2. Environment
 3. Accuracy and perfection
 4. People

III. Shortcut clues to effective patient relations
      A. Based on observable behaviors
      B. Two critical asepcts of your patients' behaviors
 1. The "Results" dimension
     a. Verbal cues
     b. Body language
 2. The "Emotions" dimension
     a. Verbal cues
     b. Body language
      C. The key is to match your behaviors to your patients
      D. Exercise in "reading" behaviors of others in the audience

 IV. Communicating with your patients
      A. The appointment coordinator on the telephone
 1. Consider style of behavior
 2. Match style for "friendly" communications or "business"
      B. The clinical appointment
 1. Explaining post-operative instructions
 2. Amenities

  V. Presenting treatment plans
      A. Observe behavior of patients before treatment plan appointment
      B. At Treatment Plan appointment
 1. For thorough people, be prepared
 2. For factual, start with "bottom line"

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