Dental Spanish

I very strongly recommend that you download this list and practice the phrases. Without question, the number two comment from volunteers at the end of the project has been "I wish I had studied more Spanish." (The most common comment is, "When can I come back?") Your ability to enjoy the children and feel more of a connection will be far greater if you are able to talk with them. Here are the key phrases and vocabulary. No matter how much (or little) you learn ahead of time, you WILL speak many of these words when you have been on the project, but if you can start on Day #1, you will find it much more fulfilling.


Open your mouth                                      Close your mouth

Abre la boca                                              Cierra la boca


Your tooth is going to sleep                        This will not hurt you

Tus dientes se van a dormir                        No va a doler or: no te duele


Your lip/tongue will be feeling funny/fat/ticklish

Tu labio/lengua se va a sentir chistosa/gorda/cosquillas


Put your hands on your stomach                  Please hold your head still

Ponga tus manos en la panza                       No mueves la cabeza


Don’t try to wake up your lip and tongue      This is a button for your tooth

No trates de despirtar tu labio y lengua        Esa boton es para tu diente

Necessitas esperar dos or tres horas


This is a raincoat (balloon)                         This is a vacuum cleaner

Este es el globo                                           Esta es la aspiradora


This is a whistle                                         This is a tooth tickler

Esta es la chifladora                                  Esa cosita va a hacer cosquillas


This is a mirror                                           I am counting your teeth

Esta es un espejo                                       Voy a contar tus dientes


I am going to look at your teeth                   You are a good listener

Voy a ver a tus dientes                                  Estas escuchando bien


You are helping well/a lot                            Don’t bite your lip

Estas ayudanda bien/mucho                        No te muerdas tu labio


Your lip/tongue is/are asleep                         Be careful for about 2 hours

Tu lengua (labio) esta adormecida               Ten cuidado unas 2 horas

              Estan dormiden


Don’t bite your lip                                      A filling in your tooth

No te muerde el labio                                 Una pasita en tu dient


The feeling will last 2 hours                          A cavity

La sensación a dormecido pasará                 un diente picado

    En dos oras

It is more important to fix (repair) the molar because the food is chewed
by these teeth and they aren't lost until age 12.

Es mas importante a reparar las molares porque con estas van a

masticar los alimentos—estos dientes cambian hasta 12 años


Genereal vocabulary:

explorer                                                                     el explorador

spoon                                                                         la cucharilla

cotton forceps                                                            la pinza

bur(s)                                                                         la fres, las fresas

   high speed                                                               alto velocidad

   low speed                                                                baja velocidad

rubber dam                                                                 dique de hule

   balloon                                                                    el globo

clamp                                                                         la grapa

   button                                                                      el botón

   hug                                                                          abrazar         

lip                                                                               el labio/los labios

sleep                                                                           dormido

tight                                                                            apretar

stomach                                                                      el estómago (panza/panzita)

    put                                                                          pon

hand                                                                           la mano

don’t move                                                                 no te muevas

office                                                                         el consultorio

appointment                                                               la cita

explain                                                                       explica

I am going to explain                                                 voy a explicar

“shot”                                                                         el injección, el piquete

needle                                                                        la aguja

calm                                                                           tranquilo

learn                                                                           aprender

honest                                                                          honesto

yell                                                                              gritar

trust                                                                            confio

count                                                                          contar

cheek                                                                         la cachet

lie down                                                                     acuesta te

sit up                                                                          levante te

pillow                                                                         la almohada

loud                                                                            fuerte

glasses                                                                        los lentes

fix/take care of                                                           murar

sealant                                                                        el sellador

straw                                                                          el popote

wake up                                                                     descierta

gums (gingiva)                                                          las encillas

cheek                                                                         la mejilla

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